I gave Ziva a much needed afternoon off on Sunday and took Tzofia to Jerusalem for the day. We ate lunch at a cafe with my friend's Michael and Daniel. Daniel took the following lovely photos. All was good.
We went to a birthday party for the son of friends of ours on Friday afternoon. Tzofia spent the entire time sleeping in the arms of friends and strangers alike. It's a good thing she was sleeping because the Mime at the party was incredibly creepy.
Please note that Tzofia is sporting her frog outfit (complete with rocking froggy feet) as a reminder to the Egyptians not to mess with the Jews. You know, that whole ten plagues thing...
On February 9, 2007, Tzofia Reevi came into our lives. Sure, everyone has kids and believes that theirs are the cutest little babies in the world. The difference is, our's has super powers. No really, she's special. This blog chronicles her journey from infancy to destiny: as a super heroine or the savior of rock and roll. We'd be happy with either. Or both.
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What they are saying about Tzofia Reevi...
"Tzofia is so rock and roll that her birth weight wasn’t in pounds, it was in decibels." - Kosher Eucharist
"What a great name!" - Tzofia the midwife, Hadassah Ein Kerem
"Her poop doesn't smell. Someone should patent that." - Harry
"We're not getting off this ship!" - Ari Ben Canaan