The group spent the days before Rosh Hashana singing songs for the holiday, tasting pomegranate juice and even listening to a shofar. Parents were invited to decorate the room with cards wishing our little ones the best and happiest new year. The whole thing was super cute. It's a consensus among teachers and parents that Tzofi certainly wins the award for best dressed (thank you all for the gifts and hand-me-downs) and gets everyone talking especially at mealtime. Tzofi also seems to be the only one who gets sarcasm and can tell the twins, Alon and Itai, apart. How she does it? Nobody knows.
Pictures below:
(Top) Tzofi and one of the twins hanging out at the mishpachton-equivalent of the office watercooler
(Bottom) Ladies who lunch: Tzofi and Yaheli enjoying their carob-spread sandwiches