Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tel Aviv Port

Every so often in the middle of winter we have absolutely beautiful weather. We took full advantage this past weekend and headed over to the newly renovated Port of Tel Aviv for the usual Rubenstein debauchery and chaos.

The day started out innocently enough. Tzofi was her usual happy self.

While posing for this photo she came up with the brilliant idea of challenging me to a French fry eating contest.

Tzofia started off confident - even attempting to intimidate me by mocking me with her French fry.

Her lack of experience (and probably the fact that her stomach is as big as my fist) proved to be her downfall and she quickly realized she was in way over her head. We were lucky enough that a photographer was on hand to capture this potential Pulitzer winning photo.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Finger Licking Firsts

Look who's 1 year old! (not me) What an amazing year it's been - what an amazing Bobo! And to celebrate, we kicked things into high gear with good friends, lots o' presents and big old birthday songs. Harry pulled out all the stops and made a delicious buttercream layered vanilla cake. The top looked straight out of Tzofi's favorite book - the Book of Feelings - and heralded her favorite activities these days - dancing and music! (Inside was a chocolate buttercream frosting layer, mmm.)

The cake was as delicious for everyone as it was for Tzofi who devoured her big chunk of cake and frosting and kept licking up anything leftover on her fingers.

And licking...

And licking...

And licking?

And (finally) eating the whole thing

And onto the next piece (no not really)

Happy Birthday Tzofi! We love you so much.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Day in the Life of Tzofi or What she does all day at school

She plays with playdough.

She crawls through tunnels.

She flies.

She plays musical instruments.

She pets bunny rabbits.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Superfuntime at the Gymboree

Floating in the ball pool.

Crawling in the tunnel.

Drumming away on her darbuka during the musical story activity.

Following the balloons from up close - and hoping to nail it before Aviv does - during the final storybook activity.

Overall: exciting, enchanting and superfun for everyone.