Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May Days

Playing in the park and getting ready for summer.

(mmm, ice cold lemonade on a hot summer day... maybe without the peel though)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Celebrating Israel 60th at School

In true celebratory fashion, Tzofi spent all week preparing for Israel's 60th anniversary of statehood by learning about its rich history and traditions in school - here's, "All You Ever Needed to Know About Celebrating Israel's Independence: The Toddler Years".

There's flag waving and song singing.
Dove petting and peace talking.
A brief moment of quiet and respite.And then more madness and mayhem.
Happy 60th Israel - and many more.
Love, Tzoofi and Co.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Passover Party Madness

So back in April, during Passover vacation, Tzofi celebrated her little tushy off. Art exhibitions, pony rides, and bouncy castles to name a few, all managed to keep her busy mind off leavened bread for a while. At Aviv's 3rd bday party, Tzofi showed her matza moxey by:

Leading everyone in a kumbaya rendition of 'If you're happy and you know it'

Climbing right up with the 'big' kids and gleefully challenging gravity

Talking about Jewish-Arab coexistence programs with Yochai and Kenny

Cuddling with Dada
Eating watermelon for the first time
(Hmmm, sure is juicy)
Making funny faces with Amir

Good times.