Saturday, January 24, 2009

Golan Goodness with the Goldmans

Right before Chanukah, we drove up north, far north to be exact, to spend a Shabbat weekend with 'Ha Goldmanim' on Moshav Yonatan. We had such a great time. Shmuel and Leah and their four children - little Atarah, engaging Oryanne, funnyman Yonatan, and wise, oldest sister Shayelle - were incredible hosts. And Tzofi had such a blast, playing with all the kids, singing with Shmuel, drinking tons of Kiddush juice, eating up all Leah's delicious food (including those rice crispy/oatmeal cookies, mmm) and generally enjoying moshav life. Thanks for the sweet retreat treat, guys!

Tzofi dives into the green leaves

Shmuel and Atarah kangaroo style
Tzofi learns to pose for the camera at Har Bental and stops to point out the art (Look Mommy a 'nake!)
No this way, Dada

Bobo in the trenches
Nahal fun with Dada
Nahal fun with Mommy

From left to right: Oryanne, Tzofi (yes, she's the finger in her nose kid) and Shayelle

Click here to learn more about Moshav Yonatan

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Shabbat Shalom

When Tzofi has school on Fridays, the half-day activities include Shabbat-related songs and preparations. Kabbalat Shabbat is celebrated through song - Hinei Ma Tov U'Mana'im for example - and dance - everyone holds hands and sways along - and brachot - lighting the candles and saying Kiddush. It's very cute. We discovered this one day when Tzofi, at home, declared the day "Yom Shishi, Erev Shabbat" (Friday, Shabbat eve), started singing a resounding version of Hinei Ma Tov, looked high and low for the Shabbat candles and demanded some "Kikush" juice. It was quite amazing.

The next Friday, Tzofi wanted to dress up for Shabbat and, in return, was honored at school with the nomination of "Ima Shabbat" or Shabbat mother. Her best friend, Gil, played the part of Abba Shabbat, or Shabbat father. When we showed up to pick her up, the two were hand in hand with their respective head coverings. Oh yeah, it was extremely adorable. Harry and I were convinced they would break out in a toddler rendition of "Sunrise Sunset" but maybe by the end of the year...

Ima Shabbat Tzofi lighting candles with her head covered.

Ima Shabbat Tzofi saying the "bracha" or blessing. Yes, she sings that too.
Abba Shabbat Gil saying Kiddush and tasting the "Shabbat juice".