It was a bittersweet party - on the one hand, saying goodbye to Tsila and Miriam after two incredible years of their loving support and creativity, was incredibly hard and sad; on the other hand, who can resist a great pool party!
Tsila and Miriam planned a half-day of brunch, games and swimming for all ages. The kids participated in a summertime meets 'going to the sea' activity where they simulated swimming, digging at the beach, rowing boats and riding the waves. Parents were invited to watch, participate, eat or swim.
Everyone had a great time. Presents were dolled out for teachers and kids alike. After the fun and food, the timid and brave left the kiddy pool for the big pool. And with promises to keep in touch, everyone wished each other 'goodbye for now'. See you after the summer break!
Harry awaiting the festivies, as photographed by Tzofi

Tzofi paddling away

Making waves in the ocean

Ziva and Tzofi enjoying

Tzofi showing off her new t-shirt (Tsila's playgroup 08-09)

The 'big kids' present Tsila and Miriam with end-of-year presents

Diving right in

We'll miss you Tsila and Miriam! Thanks for all the amazing activities, learning, love and support over the year. :* Tzofi, Ziva and Harry