So before we backtrack to October's highlights, and there were plenty, let's jump ahead to November when Tzofi celebrated her first haircut! The experience went off without tears or surprises, thanks to the lollipop and bouncy car seats, and we all went to celebrate with a family picnic at our favorite local 'bridge' park - named for its rope bridge that she loves to race across - and mastered rather quickly thanks to Savta's help just last month!
Off and running Not afraid to look down Speeding down the slide Back up again Down the slide backwards (her idea) Hmm, what to do next Rock out on the bouncy clown And drive on home
On February 9, 2007, Tzofia Reevi came into our lives. Sure, everyone has kids and believes that theirs are the cutest little babies in the world. The difference is, our's has super powers. No really, she's special. This blog chronicles her journey from infancy to destiny: as a super heroine or the savior of rock and roll. We'd be happy with either. Or both.
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What they are saying about Tzofia Reevi...
"Tzofia is so rock and roll that her birth weight wasn’t in pounds, it was in decibels." - Kosher Eucharist
"What a great name!" - Tzofia the midwife, Hadassah Ein Kerem
"Her poop doesn't smell. Someone should patent that." - Harry
"We're not getting off this ship!" - Ari Ben Canaan
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