Saturday, March 31, 2007

March Milestones

Well it was an exciting month for all, as Grandma and Grandpa came to visit, armed with mountains of beautiful presents for Tzofia - thank you! - and eager to spend whole days just admiring their granddaughter. Highlights from the past 10 days (in order of probable interest) include:

- Tzofi starting to smile (pictures to soon follow)

- Tzofi also outgrowing her 0-3 frog outfit among other newborn-wear. (Luckily Grandma bought another frog outfit in 3-6 month size without our even asking - (again, pictures to soon follow))

- Grandma and Grandpa having a super time exploring the wineries in the areas around Beit Shemesh and the Jerusalem hills - and without getting lost!

- Harry and I enjoying a delicious upscale dinner sans baby (and babytalk) (Editors note: There was indeed babytalk. Ziva is lying - Harry. Why is Harry editing me? - Ziva)

- and me downing a frozen strawberry margarita for the first time in 18 months!

A wonderful time was had by all and we're sure Tzofi will miss all the special singing, dancing, cooing and hugging her grandparents bestowed with love and joy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007

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In order to make life easier for those following this semi-indulgent blog, you can now receive email alerts whenever we update. All you have to do is take a look at the right column at the "Subscribe via email" box, enter your email address and follow the directions. It's very simple. Alternatively, if you use a RSS reader like Bloglines or Google Reader you can subscribe via our RSS feed. If you have no idea what a RSS reader is you should really look it up. It's a great way to stay up to date on other blogs and news sites you read. Say goodbye to bookmarks and hello to RSS!

Lastly, we welcome comments! Don't be shy!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Friday, March 9, 2007

The Wrath of the Bath

According to the child rearing bible, "What to Expect the First Year" also known as "How to scare the shit out of a parent in 30 pages or less," the bath time should be "calm," "soothing," "quiet" and "comforting." Although she appeared to enjoy her first baths, tonights bath was beyond disastrous. I would even venture to call it a debacle.

I'll recap as best as I can.
Harry: I'm filling the baby tub!

Ziva: Let me know when it's ready so I can get her undressed!


Harry: Shit! Flood! Where is the bath plug?

Ziva: I don't know, the water is leaking into the cabinets!!!!

Harry: Oh, here it is. Damn, we are running out of hot water! Hurry!

Ziva: I have to get her undressed! Where is her towel?

Harry: It got soaked in the flood!

Ziva: Oh No! Here we come!

During previous baths we have used a medicated soap that does not need to be washed off. Unbeknown to Ziva, Harry used a new soap that does indeed need to be washed off.

Tzofia: WAAAAAAAAAA......hehehehehehehe (as the warm water washes over her)

Ziva: Let's just get this done quick.

Harry: Ok, we just have to rinse her off.

Ziva: What do you mean? The soap can just stay on!

Harry: Shit. I didn't tell you I used the other soap?

Ziva: The water is getting cold!

Harry: Hurry!



Tzofia: What the f*ck?

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Seems like yesterday...

It's hard to believe that it's already been three weeks since Tzofia was born. It's remarkable how quickly she is changing. She's becoming more aware of everything around her and just yesterday I noticed her poo had more of a brown hue to it than a yellow one. Is that a gentleman caller at the door?

Thursday, March 1, 2007