Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy (Belated) Hanukkah

Enjoying her first sufganiyot or doughnuts

Glowing from the candles of her first Hanukkah

At her school Hanukkah party, opening her Dreidl full of sweets and toys

Monday, November 5, 2007

Playing at Gan

The teacher sent around a new batch of photos of October's dailydoings at Gan. Above the gang enjoys a chocolage rugelach as part of their Shabbat celebrations. Tzofi holds hers up for 'before' shot - the 'after' involved a ton of chocolate smeared everywhere.

Below, a momentary pause from crawling around to pose for the paparazzi in her cute outfit.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Party Girl

Sunday evening, Tzofi was invited to her first birthday party - Hooray for Matan Strom-Sachs who turns 2 this week! Tzofi enjoyed watching and playing with the older kids. She even joined them at the kids table to eat Mara's delicious baked ziti - which can be seen all over Tzofi's cute face! Smiles abounded as Tzofi showed off her newest party trick: waving!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Onto 7 Months

Tzofi's 7th month kicked off with a bang as she started attending playgroup! Called a mishpachton in Hebrew, Tzofi joins 4 other kids - from 9 months to 14 months - for a day of fun with Tzila, the Ganenet or teacher, and her assistant Lilach. Tzofi seems to have adjusted amazingly well - barely cries now when I drop her off - and is receiving glowing reports of sleeping well, playing nicely, singing, talking and eating up a storm.

The group spent the days before Rosh Hashana singing songs for the holiday, tasting pomegranate juice and even listening to a shofar. Parents were invited to decorate the room with cards wishing our little ones the best and happiest new year. The whole thing was super cute. It's a consensus among teachers and parents that Tzofi certainly wins the award for best dressed (thank you all for the gifts and hand-me-downs) and gets everyone talking especially at mealtime. Tzofi also seems to be the only one who gets sarcasm and can tell the twins, Alon and Itai, apart. How she does it? Nobody knows.

Pictures below:
(Top) Tzofi and one of the twins hanging out at the mishpachton-equivalent of the office watercooler
(Bottom) Ladies who lunch: Tzofi and Yaheli enjoying their carob-spread sandwiches

Friday, September 21, 2007

Shana Tova!

Please enjoy this short clip of father/daughter communication.

Friday, September 7, 2007

I'm Six Months Old Now!

Ok, actually seven months, but Dad's been lazy.

Weight: 7.3 kg
Height: 63 cm

Everything else: super cute and delicious (especially my feet)
Likes: Singing with Daddy, cuddling with Mommy, taunting Noonie, the mobile Good Morning sound 'n light show, the Beatles, Randy Kaplan's cover of "I'm a little dinosaur", Lisa Loeb's and Elizabeth Mitchell's "Big Rock Candy Mountain", baths, the remote control, jumping, sitting up, feeding myself with my spoon, tickles, walks in the park.

Dislikes: Injustice in the world, the vacuum cleaner, the car seat (sometimes)
First foods: Sweet potato, squash, applesauce, apricots, banana, rice cereal, multigrain cereal, peas, tomato, zucchini, potato, avocado, grapes

Motto: "If you hand it to me I will put it in my mouth"

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Guess who came for dinner?

Well the purple room was in full swing as base camp for Uncle Kivi and Randi Jo's first-time Israel travels. Harry pulled out all the stops on an amazing gourmet meal to welcome our July guests who were happy to relax in Modiin - especially after their local two hour hike which somehow included rock climbing for Randi. From the salty beaches of Tel Aviv to the kindergartens of Dimona, Uncle Kivi seems to have inherited Savta's (amazing) sense of direction as he and Randi drove North, South and everywhere in between. Below are pics from our first forays into Jerusalem. The entire gang headed to the Old City on a hot Friday morning where upon seeing the Western Wall for the first time both Randi and Tzofia declared themselves the Messiah. good times.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Back in Israel: New Tricks

With two teeth proudly jutting out from below, eating has become one of Tzofi's favorite activities. She seems to truly enjoy playing with her spoon, trying to feed herself, and tasting all the new textures of fruits and veggies. Eating has never been more fun for me, I have to admit. Hits include, sweet potato, squash, applesauce, peas and banana.

Our first trip to the States: Part 3, NYC

As Tzofi neared the final leg of her US tour, she decided to become one with her surroundings and just like NYC, Tzofi was the baby who never slept. Morning walks with Savta through city streets and parks provided more non-stop stimulation and excitement as did the streetside view from Savta's apartment. (Interestingly enough, Savta's new plasma TV was nowhere near as attractive to Tzofi as the window-view, though I'm sure that will change with time.)

Tzofi's days were packed as family and friends called to pencil in brunches and lunches across the Upper West Side. Walks down Broadway or playtime at Elie's apartment were just some other ways we spent our days. And nights, well, they were spent (up) at Savta's.

We broke from the city for a quick return to Long Island, to celebrate Shea's baby naming with proud parents Raina and Tod and meet more extended family over a good, old fashioned, shul bagel brunch.

Overall, few pics were taken toward the end of our trip, but the memories of fast-paced city fun and family times will last us until next visit.

Our first trip to the States: Part 2, Jersey Shore

For Part 2 of Tzofi's US tour, we headed to Bradley Beach, NJ where the Boston Hallers eagerly awaited us. Abel and Tzofi took to each other immediately, while Ula and Olive were happy to finally meet "Baby Tzofia" and bring her toys. Good times were had by all as we surfed in the pool, sang songs and jumped on Uncle Kivi. Generally, waking up Uncle Kivi was a fun activity for all that weekend. Sunday's Big Reunion BBQ was a big hit as cousins from near and far reunited and met the new babies in town for the first time.

Our favorite Greenbergs then came up for a few days of cheesy beachside fun for kids big and small. As the oldest, Tamar led the way, winning prizes for everyone at the Frog Bog and Fishing booths. The train at Point Pleasant was Tzofi's first carnival ride with Harry (Nighthawk), Cindy, Tamar and Ilan. The next day, she rode the historic carousel at Seaside Heights - dates back to 1910 - with me (Mommy), Cindy, Ilan and Tamar. Super Jersey Shore fun was the highlight of our trip!

Our first trip to the States: Part 1, Port Jeff

Well, part 1 of Tzofi's recent US tour was kicked off (in high gear) as Grandma and Grandpa welcomed Tzofi with lots of love - and tons of baby gear! Tzofi enjoyed endless days of cuddling, playtime and walks around town so that Grandma can shep some nachas and show off her beautiful grandaughter.

Tzofi's smile got even wider when Auntie Emily and Uncle John came to visit with (awesome) Archie in tow. Archie's moseying around the house brought a curious gaze and big smile from Tzofia.

Backtrack: Savta's May Visit

Before we get to our trip to the States, we have to highlight Savta's visit to us back in May. Though it was a quick week-long trip, Savta managed to introduce Tzofi to a ton of new things including the Mediterranean and Tel Aviv beach scene, Azrieli mall and ladies-only brunches. Good times were had by all :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

First things first

So we're way behind in posting some udpates on Tzofi. And aside from recounting all the great moments of Tzofi's debutante trip to the States, we must start with the big news: the firsts.

Since coming back, Tzofi's had her:
- first cold and cough. poor thing.
- her first food! a pureed (organic) tomato which according to Dr. Funny (he fancies himself quite the standupist (that's Hebrew for stand up comedian, not kidding) would be great vitamin C and a good healthy Mediterranean fruit to start with. he then made me swear not to tell the nurses at the well baby clinic that I started foods without their permission. oy.) it went over well. and tzofi loves playing with her spoon and the food so the videos will begin with some rice cereal soon.
- and her first tooth! well if a little prickly sharp nub coming out of her gums counts. it's certainly the tip of the iceberg, if you ask me. hopefully when the whole bit starts to grow in, her smile will sparkle in the blazing summer sun. and of course,the pics will follow.

Now that those milestones have been mentioned, we have to go back in time. Please send pics to me, zhrubenstein{at}gmail{dot}com, from any of the days we shared together - on the island, at the beachhouse, in the city - so we can form a composite photo essay of Tzofi's East coast tour *Summer 2007 Whoooo!*).
Looking forward to hearing from you all and missing everyone already!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Legend of Sidekick Stinky McRubes

Hard to believe, but within two weeks of the great photo shoot below of Rubin and Tzofi, Rubin passed away from kidney failure. It was all so sudden and quick. And we're sorely missing his presence in the house. Rubin was all heart, litle brain, tons of spirit and lots of hair. Back in March, I started writing a post about Noonie and Rubin and Tzofi. It seems fitting to recap.

Many of you have been asking how the dogs are reacting to Tzofi. So I thought I would dedicate some time and prose to Rubin and the Noonster. First Rubin, he is afterall the easy one. Rubin's happy doing one of five things: loving (ie. cuddling); going on a walk; playing; getting treats or sleeping. And he barks when people come in the house or to the door. Even near the door seems to get his bark on. Rubin's territorial but loyal. So loyal that his self-appointed role as 'protector' of us Rubenstein women - Noonie included - has naturally extended itself to include Tzofi. Rubin's been amazing with Tzofi so far. He seems to really love her too. He follows her everywhere. He kisses her. Watches her. Barks when she's upset (true story). And generally seems to like hanging out with her - whether on the play mat, the bathroom or under her crib.

Oh stinky McRubes, we didn't want to say goodbye. We miss you so much already. We hope you had a wonderful life. And we promise to regale Tzofi with stories of her legendary, loyal sidekick. This one's for you, little dude!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007

Tzofia and Harry go to Jerusalem

I gave Ziva a much needed afternoon off on Sunday and took Tzofia to Jerusalem for the day. We ate lunch at a cafe with my friend's Michael and Daniel. Daniel took the following lovely photos. All was good.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Party Pooper

We went to a birthday party for the son of friends of ours on Friday afternoon. Tzofia spent the entire time sleeping in the arms of friends and strangers alike. It's a good thing she was sleeping because the Mime at the party was incredibly creepy.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Biggest smile we've seen yet!

Ziva captured this amazing smile with the camera on her phone moments before taking Tzofia out for a walk with the pooches.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Totally posed.

Please disregard the fact that I look like a hooked nosed shylock.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Monday, April 2, 2007

Happy Passover, Chag Sameach and all that...

Please note that Tzofia is sporting her frog outfit (complete with rocking froggy feet) as a reminder to the Egyptians not to mess with the Jews. You know, that whole ten plagues thing...

Saturday, March 31, 2007

March Milestones

Well it was an exciting month for all, as Grandma and Grandpa came to visit, armed with mountains of beautiful presents for Tzofia - thank you! - and eager to spend whole days just admiring their granddaughter. Highlights from the past 10 days (in order of probable interest) include:

- Tzofi starting to smile (pictures to soon follow)

- Tzofi also outgrowing her 0-3 frog outfit among other newborn-wear. (Luckily Grandma bought another frog outfit in 3-6 month size without our even asking - (again, pictures to soon follow))

- Grandma and Grandpa having a super time exploring the wineries in the areas around Beit Shemesh and the Jerusalem hills - and without getting lost!

- Harry and I enjoying a delicious upscale dinner sans baby (and babytalk) (Editors note: There was indeed babytalk. Ziva is lying - Harry. Why is Harry editing me? - Ziva)

- and me downing a frozen strawberry margarita for the first time in 18 months!

A wonderful time was had by all and we're sure Tzofi will miss all the special singing, dancing, cooing and hugging her grandparents bestowed with love and joy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007